Rachel Perry's Lip Lover balms were my nascent makeup love. I was kind of obsessed with everything about them—the groovy packaging that resembled a sophisticated-disco-lady cartoon, the gooey-smooth texture, and especially the exotic, fruity-in-a-good-way flavors. They sold them at our local health food store and when we went, my fabulous hippie mom would let me pick out one for me and one for her, which always made me feel grown up (I'd carry the thing around for weeks in my ridiculous mini-purse, until they became stuck with sand and unrecognizably cruddy). They still make these amazing little pots; they're packed with good-for-your-lips things like Vitamin B, aloe vera and shea butter, now have SPF 15, and, best of all they're still quite cheap—just $3.69. [Vitamin Shoppe]
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