Orchids provide simple, elegant bursts of color to the household, and are increasingly a favorite flower.
Fans from around the world are now coming to the famed Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, to plant themselves in room full of orchids. The Orchid Show runs February 23 - April 6, 2008.
“Orchids are one of the largest plant kingdoms on the planet - there are about 30,000 different species and over 150,000 hybrids,” said Margaret Csala from “Shop in the Garden” in the New York Botanical Garden.
Orchids are known for their structural and unusually shaped blooms. Dancing ladies orchids have flared petals that look like the end of a skirt. The common Phalaenopsis is also called the moth orchid because its bloom’s broad shape resembles a flying moth.
“The Phalaenopsis comes in a variety of white and pinks, purples and even yellow with some spots or stripes. They are very easy to care for and very easy to get to re-bloom,” said Csala.
Their blooms can last up to 14 weeks.
Another easy orchid to care for is the lady’s slipper orchid, known for its shoe-like shape.
“The Paphiopedilum, or lady’s slipper orchid, is another one that’s becoming more popular in the market,” said Csala.
“This has an amusing history, because during Victorian times women were not allowed to look at this flower because its shape was considered too suggestive. It would be scandalous if a woman looked at this orchid,” continued Csala.
Some orchids are also fragrant like the Cattleya or corsage orchid. But don’t expect fragrance all day.
“Many varieties are fragrant only at certain times of day because they are attracting insects to pollinate them that only fly at certain times of day,” said Csala.
The multitudinous breeds of orchids need various lighting conditions, but their care is pretty much the same - a weekly watering with some orchid food.
A common misconception about orchids is that once the the flower dies, the plant has died. In fact, an orchid plant without flowers is lying dormant, and it needs the same love and care so it can bloom again.
Source NY1 News
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