The Michael Palin for President campaign is off to a
roaring start.
The campaign video, launched the same night the OTHER
Palin delivered her "you haven't actually nominated me
yet but I'll accept your nomination anyway" speech, has
now been seen by MORE THAN 200,000 PEOPLE.
According to ViralVideoChart and several other sources,
it is one of the most-viewed videos in the world over
the last week.
The Palin for President video has also been featured in
blogs on the Los Angeles Times website and the Obama-Biden
website, along with hundreds of others all over the web.
(They even got a call from CNN!)
Best of all, the official Monty Python site, Pythonline.com,
is currently featuring the video as one of its lead stories.
Here it is:
Finally, a Palin we can stand behind (and not just to look at his lovely bum).
Of course the opposition has been heard from as well, offering
such insightful and considered political discourse as "If you
have a child, I hope he dies in a car fire!" and "F--k your video
and f--k you!"
Apparently they've hit a nerve.
Here's how you can help
1. ENGAGE IN SOCIAL DEBATE by rubbing Fuzzy Things on Republicans.
2. ENGAGE IN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE by doing Silly Walks in government
And just who should his running mate be? John Cleese? Brian Cohen? The Dead Parrot???
"Welease Bwian"
LOL'ing till I can't LOL no more :)
Source: http://www.michaelpalinforpresident.com/
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