This year, three of the biggest names in music - Michael Jackson, Madonna and Prince - hit 50. They've each sold millions of records in long careers. But what do their futures hold - and what is the point of a middle-aged pop star, asks Joe Queenan.
from Guardian Unlimited:
This year, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Prince will turn 50. Even for those of us who never seriously believed that any of the Beatles would actually turn 64 - which John Lennon and George Harrison did not - it is hard to believe that this trio of performers, who once symbolised the insolence and iconoclasm and adrenaline of youth, are now walking museum pieces, just as it is hard to believe that former teen idols Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves are now both in their 40s. It is not just that people such as this become famous when they are young; to a large degree these people become famous because they are young.
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