From an Idaho Falls news website
A new candy promising to clear your breath of any sign of alcohol is catching the attention of law enforcement.
It's called Antipoleez and some of the candy's claims are raising eyebrows.
The candy's package has a sexy looking police officer and promises to eliminate alcohol and tobacco breath. On the Antipoleez website, it says no one will know you've been drinking.
Captain Randy Lewis, Rexburg Police Dept.: "If their motive is to try to beat the system, then shame on them."
Police officers deal with underage drinkers and drunk drivers a lot. They see people try all sorts of things to get out of being arrested but will someone who's been drinking be able to trick an officer with this little candy?
Sergeant Chuck Kunsaitis says no.
Sergeant Chuck Kunsaitis, Rexburg Police Dept.: "All it's gonna do is give them fresh breath. The visible signs that we see and the audible signs that we hear will still lead us down that road of someone being under the influence.
To see if the candy actually gets rid of alcohol, Channel 3 reporter Nate Eaton swished Listerine around in him mouth then spit it out and did a breathalyzer test.
The machine instantly detected alcohol.
Eaton then did the same thing but with a piece of Antipoleez in his mouth.
Kunsaitis: "It's still detecting a presence. It didn't change much at all."
Bottom line...the candy may change the smell of your breath but it's not going to do much else.
Kunsaitis: "The only thing that's going to make the alcohol go away in your system is time."
On the company's website it says bar and restaurant owners are making $100 more a day after they started to sell the product.
The website also has written in big letters to never drink and drive. It's also printed on every package of Antipoleez
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